Mini Poems Chapter one section one
A Reflection
I want to recall that Friday night when we had a picnic in the dark around our favorite pond
when the fairy bugs were roaming near us
and the stars were a grand insight
that is the moment when I turned to you
I deeply stared into your eyes
I saw my escape, my other home
you held my hands as tight as if your life depended on it
how else can I describe to you how you made me feel as if I were an astronaut
out of this earth
yet the entire world vanished for us that night
it was simply just you and I nothing more nothing else needed
oh may we come to this spot again every Friday at least
Solamente tú justo a través de la lluvia
A través del Trueno
Justo a través de la inundación saliste bien
bien como si nada hubiera pasado
Pero mantienes esa mirada en tus ojos
Esa mirada que no puedo describir
Esa mirada que me dice que no siempre estás bien
Sin embargo, sigues adelante
Te vas tras lo que quieres
Y traes la luz del sol al
Haces los dias mas brillantes
Eres la definición de vida y la felicidad
sigue siendo tú
Todo morado
el cielo
mi piel
la vision
y la canción
bailemos hasta que ya no puedamos
porque no
hasta que mi corazón se convierte morado
pero siento que de todos modos al fin tu conviertes todo en dorado
pero no ay problema
solo con estar a tu lado
Life con Limones
When I mention life with lemons
I mean building your own life with determination
when speaking of the counter pieces
I mean constructing the best out of what you have
in other terms with what you are given
that is the time when progress starts to make it's way in your life
keep in mind every process is different
but just when you suddenly focus on living is the moment when you grow
when it all starts to make sense
so calm the stress, accelerate trust
That morning we ran outside I noticed the change
the change in your appearance
the winter mist was changing the color of your skin
the touch of your hands
the color of your eyes
and the texture of your hair
but was it so admirable just as if it were summer
I say switch it up, this means
leave no evidence of the harsh days
show up , self invited
to the new moments in your life
this has to come from within
I am talking about more than appearance
I am speaking attitude
and self awareness