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Mini Poems CHAPTER TWO | Full Chapter Section

Jimena Favela

Chapter Two Marks the second to last Chapter for "Mini Poems"


There is one piece out of everything else that draws me into music

we all love it because it keeps us alive

it inspires us

however my favorite part about music is how it takes me to another time and place

for example it can take me back to only the best of moments I had in life

to the moments that motivated me

to the moments that made me understand the importance of choosing to stay messy hearted

messy hearted in a world that is not always kind

but out of all the good moments

I think about the ones I had with you

and I am sure that with music you can feel that too

especially when listening to that one song

it is in no doubt your favorite thing to do


Lo amarillo del sol con tu camisa amarilla alumbra el dia

vas para la soledad con espina

aunque por el medio del camino te encuentres la alegría

el mar y tu combinan

que bonito en serio tu sonrisa

muy lindo refleja con tu camisa amarilla


Questa giornata nuvolosa mi ricorda quel tempo quando ero al tuo fianco Con tutto quello che è successo, sento ancora che la tristezza che provo proviene dal ricordo quel giorno nuvoloso quel giorno grigio che senza pensarci pensava che mi avrebbe impossessato E ora che non sei qui, c'è una felicità dentro di me


El cuarto se lleno con papeles en el piso

el se fue porque quizo

ahora ella vive sus días haciendo cosas diferentes

afuera con lo mismo

las salidas en la tarde son unos alivios

cuando ella llega a su casa

se suelta el pelo y se acuesta en el piso

en tres días ella ya lo olvida

y el se va para el olvido

no por necesidad

pero porque ella quizo


Candles surrender the tub

the reflections presented vibrance

rose pedals around my legs

wine in between my fingers

I sit there as I look over to the right and see the night sky come along

as I am listening to my favorite band

I can't help but think about that moment when I decided to let it all go

getting rid of all the worries you gave me

and the false promises you made to me

simply letting you go

I can't help but remember that sigh of extreme relief and happiness

I wish you well

in fact

I have always wished you the best


She does things right

at least she best attempts to

but when the time comes and she needs a hand

just a teeny tiny hand

they make her feel as if she does not deserve it

she feels it is only because they do not believe she can need it

so what does she do then

she is left emptyy...

not empty handed

best she is left to figure it out

as she always has

does she still need a hand

she could use it

she would appreciate it

but she has grown to less likely need it anymore


You shine like the spotlight

you are more like a star

you are a woman

a woman who has a heart of gold

mind of metal

charisma like no other

just finding her way in a fast pace world

yet you do it so well

moving faster than time itself

you create speed of sound

glitter is made inspired by you

but your'e like neon lights



you outshine your past

you live for the present and for the future

you are a star visible but unreachable


So what does it mean when I am needy...

I look at it as

I am expecting people

to put in the effort I know I am worth

and for me

to know my worth

does not mean I am being needy

to know and value your worth

will never make you needy


During midnight I seek your scent

I walk barefoot to the beach where we ran across the shore during midnight

now during midnight the waves vanish

but your memory becomes a hurricane

a hurricane that takes me back to your presence

I lay there in the shore and let the water wash out your memory

your scent

so that I can come to the beach at midnight

without thinking of you again


Mirando para abajito porque en aver tu cara vuelvo a sonreír sin parar

y como que no puedo parar

mirando para abajito porque en verte se me sale una sonrisa muy sonriente

muy vehemente

y de repente quiero mas y mas

quiero conocerte mas

entonces mirando hace abajito es solo cuando mi corazón esta corriente con mi mente

mirando abajito porque en verte mi corazón se sale de repente


En hacer normal me aburro y vuelvo a ser yo misma

sera que en hacer normal no realmente es algo

solo es un titulo en la sociedad

en hacer yo misma es lo que me ha traído la felicidad verdadera


As if you were in an escape room

I want you to take your time in finding the key to my heart

Because once you find it

you’ll feel it

immediately, you will feel the rush of blood through your body


Fleeing the road you always tend to take

because for the first of times you need the change

because you know there is a better way to go

so for the first of times you fly on

onto something new

something that will bring you adventure


Como dice una canción

"ganas de tirar mi ego por la ventana"

ay veces en que el ego nos controla y perdemos algo importante

yo a tenido tiempos así

para mi el ego siempre a sido como mi forma de no dejar que nadie ni nada me dañe

pero por el tiempo aprendí que hay una gran diferencía en el amor propio, respeto y character

y el ego

aprendí que no ay nada de malo con que tengas orgullo

es bueno pero ay que mantener los ojos y el corazón abiertos en lo importante

hay que saber que hacemos bien y que hacemos mal y aprender de esos momentos


I can not help but to bite my lip

I can not help but to crave

I can not help myself

you are a sensation

a sensation that I so deeply want

I want to feel your lips against mine

hold your hand and talk for hours

I can not help but to take a small glance

I can not help but to pretend what it would be like to be by your side

I can not help

what else can I say

you are a sensation


Mujer enfocada pero no equivocada

mujer amada pero no enamorada

mujer que un poco de su tiempo te da

pero mas de su amor sentiras

la mujer que todo ve

y aun nunca pierde la fe

mujer que te entiende

y te acompaña en lo azul y en lo verde

mujer enfocada tiene algo que no se pierde

y si la ves pasar sabras de lo que uno se refiere


When the world comes clashing upon me

I look over up to the sky

I can resemble over everything I stand and live for

by just looking up

the sky is my reminder to reach higher

the reminder of no limits

I wonder why it's beauty seeks the empowerment in me

perhaps it's unreachable beauty is the inspiration

when the world comes clashing down onto you

simply look up at the sky and it looking down at you


I find it totally charming the way you move

the way you look over at me as you talk to me

completely charming when you walk

like that afternoon when you made your way past the garden

past the lavender and the roses

you have something that keeps me into you

something very powerful and special

now I am never an open book

but somehow for you I make an exception

many exceptions

with you I am an open book

one that has so many pages

when I look into your eyes

I can tell you read me well enough to understand me




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